Fasten your seat belts, ASM Charter will take you to fantastic and impossible destinations


When you are an accomplished business man, it comes the time for unconventional choices, possibilities out of ordinary reach. The life style that allows to visit places others would never know of, hidden gems that can be seen only on a private jet journey. If you are curious about places where only 1% of Earth population go for an under-the-radar vacation, we present you with our pick of the charter only destinations.

01 | Paro, Kingdom of Bhutan

A tiny valley town of Paro is located at 2,225 m above the sea level. Discretely hidden within the Himalayan mountains monasteries are the most unique and delicate representation of the Bhutanese architecture. Bhutan’s Paro does have an airport, and it is considered one of the most dangerous to land on. Smaller private jets are easier to maneuver over the mountain peaks and safer to land on a short runway. Some unpleasant surprises with the documentation, including visa and even stop over in India requirement are easy to avoid for the private jet traveler. And once you are at Paro, you will meet an unprecedented beauty of hidden travel spot, where only 1% of Earth population have a chance to visit.

02 | Norman’s Cay, The Bahamas

Is being of the pristine touristy location in the world since last century. Once, the island had an unfavorable reputation of being HQ to Colombian drug dealers, it is now known as one of the most prestigious vacation spots for the cream of the cream society. Famous for its mesmerizing landscapes and an iconic plane resting on the bottom of the lagoon since it’s crash in the 1980s, Norman’s Cay has a lot to offer to the experienced travelers that prefer to fly on a private jet. A runway was built in recent years to accommodate private jet and exclusive traveler needs. The dreamy views, iconic pictures and matchless memories that only 1% of people can have, are only a few benefits of a visit to Norman’s Cay by private jet.

03 | Easter Island, Chile

The fascinating, mysterious Easter Island has been until now one of the most remote gifts of the human history. Visiting the island is not only a statement in your intellectual horizon, it’s indeed a discovery that every traveler makes on his own. Due to its isolated location Easter Island is only accessible by private jets flying directly from Lima. If a traveler doesn’t have an access to private jet, the journey will be long and risky. While a private charter traveler, can avail few first-class luxuries as an on-board executive chef, tour guide, easier visa and necessary permits that will eventually make this spiritual trip a comforting memory like no other.

ASM Charter by Aviation Services Management. There is no destination impossible for ASM Charter


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